OmniGraffle and OmniGraffle Professional 5.4.1 are now available to our direct distribution customers
Joel Page
2012-08-09 00:03:49 UTC
Since the first release candidate went out last month, we found some serious bugs when running under Mac OS X 10.8, and have put in fixes for those as well as adding Retina display support for those of you who have the new MacBook Pro.

We're still in review in the Mac App Store at the moment, but we wanted to get this release out as soon as possible as it's fixed a number of regressions and issues found in the 5.4 release.

For those of you who have purchased OmniGraffle or OmniGraffle Pro via the Mac App Store, please hang in there while we're going through the review process, we'll let you know when it has been approved.

Full release notes can be found at our website <http://www.omnigroup.com/products/omnigraffle/download/releasenotes/>, and you can find the new release at our download page <http://www.omnigroup.com/products/omnigraffle/download/> or check for updates from the OmniGraffle or OmniGraffle Pro Menu from within the app.


Joel Page
Product Manager, OmniGraffle
The Omni Group
